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Thursday, March 4, 2010

Restaurant Hood Filters - A Buying and Maintenance Guide

Restaurant Hood Filters - A Buying and Maintenance Guide

And treatment are moving hood. Filters in ventilation. Your business is more important than you might think. hood filter .- A square metal or rectangle. That it is open on the right into your hood ventilation system.'s Objective is to filter it out grease. From the pump is off a penny of your cooking equipment. If the pump is left unfiltered, it will be built over time ventilation. .- A system and become a major fire risk.

Therefore, maintaining and moving the capacity of these filters are an important burden. Some things you will know about the hood filter business:.


In addition to being your cooking equipment is currently burning mesquite. Or some other classification of the fuel bar, hood ventilation system you are using A .- baffle filters. Baffle filters are most commonly made out of one of three type of metal:.

Galvanized - these filters are the least expensive terms. They are hardly used in the open kitchen customers can see them all because they have A .- dull. Where the show.

Aluminum - hood filters are being appealed sheen. He works for, do they usable in open kitchen, but they are prone. To corrosion of repeated after cleanings.

Stainless steel - these filters are by far the most durable. They are still being appealed and is to look at in the open kitchen. They are prone. Less to corrosion than aluminum. As long as they are not clean using bleach or other chemicals.

Are clean.

Hood filters are clean is to keep them all day, all free of grease. And expand the largest of his works are filtering capabilities. If you have A .- temp. High dishwasher, run your filter hood over dishwasher. Make sure you do not use any bleach to clean your hood. This filter is a cause corrosion when fast!

If the dishwasher. Your use of any chemical, please, do not use it to clean hood filters. Instead, clean hood filters grease out of your soapy. Hot water and dry immediately after their works.

If the grease in the hood to allow filtering, the risk of fire in your kitchen has become very high. Series with more grease. Filters become, they are less than the pump is filtered through all of your ventilation system. Unfiltered grease, which means that end up in the ducting, and if enough was created, it can capture light, potentially causing thousands of dollars to the value. of dilapidation.

When to move.

Conduct inspections. Model consistency is your restaurant hood filters. If corrosion, dents, or wear a hole created in disfiguration or baffles, then it is time to move them all. It is important to move as quickly worn hood filters as possible. Otherwise, grease will build up in the ducting. Of your ventilation system, and this can pose .- A very serious fire risk.


Properly sizing hood of your filter is the most important things to do before you are one .- A new command. Hood filters are the type size of 1 / 2. Inch smaller than the vertical dimension and a recumbent than nominal. Small items for your hood ventilation system. In other words, if the hood is open 20 "x 20", the correct size hood. Filter for a system that is 19 1 / 2 "high by 19 1 / 2" wide.

To determine the best vertical filter, measured parallel to the edge to edge baffles. Width, which is the distance from the edge recumbent to perpendicular. Edge to the direction of the baffles.

To move your hood filters, old elevators filtered out of the box in which they track the rest and slide it out sheets. Slide the new filter plate into all channels are open and then drop into the rail end. Make sure you enter a hood. Filter with baffles. .- A position in vertical! This means the line filter is not running up and down and side to side. Installing hood. Meaning the wrong grease filters will not drain properly and cause clogging.

Homepage: Restaurant Guide Now

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